Claim Form & Document Upload

Helpful links if scanning documents using mobile device

Apple Devices
Apple Image Link.  How to scan documents using apple devices

iPhone, iPad or iPod

How to scan documents on your iPhone, iPad or iPod

Android Devices
Android Image Link.  How to scan documents in google documents.

Android Devices

Scan documents with Google Drive

Whether using phone, tablet, pc, or laptop, complete the below form to submit your document(s)

On this page, you can submit completed claim forms and required documentation for your claim. If you have any questions, please email or call 614-466-4433

Claim Number, Name and Email address provided should match those on claim form.

 Indicates required field.

Document Submission Requirements

Required Evidence link
  • Documents must be of file type .PDF, .TIF, .PNG or .JPG
  • Individual files must not exceed 20 MB.
  • Individual files must be greater than 1 byte.
  • File names may not exceed 100 characters.
  • File names may only contain letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores.
  • Documents must not be password protected.
  • Before uploading your image, please make sure the image is cropped to fit the document.
  • Certain claims require original documents in order to process and therefore cannot be uploaded. We will contact you if we need original documentation to resolve your claim.
  • All claims require legible images of any documents submitted for review. While color is preferred, we can accept black and white copies as long as they're legible. Providing illegible images will result in delayed processing of your claim as they will require resumbission of documents with satisfactory legibility.

Claims can take up to 120 days for us to review. If you file a claim and do not provide the necessary forms, it will delay or potentially stop the claims process. Please review our checklist of documentation for more information.